Wednesday, April 12, 2006

2: Down the Rabbit Hole

I relit the torch with a quick flare spell, and was not impressed by the dim light it cast on the stony walls. Nevertheless, I pushed my way through the crude hole the rats had made, and found myself in a surprisingly large cavern. The torch illuminated quite a bit more in here, and I found a chest with an axe of questionable integrity. Even the wood looked like it was rusting. Still, I am more skilled with its large head then I am with a sword, so I swapped it for the shortsword. I did keep the sword though, after all it will fetch a fair price, and I figure that if I can get out of here I will need some gold.

My attention shifted to the rest of the cavern. I was not at all surprised to see the skeleton of some long dead archer down here, but I was rather surprised that the chests in here had not completely rotted away. I found a lockpick clutched in the alabaster fingers of the skeleton, and discovered that the chest next to him was locked. What had claimed this poor adventurer’s life? Perhaps his only food was locked in the chest. It seems like a rather foolish thing to do if you ask me.

I tried my luck with the lock and it sprung open rather quickly. The rust had not destroyed the tumblers completely, once again a surprise. Inside the chest I found another clue to the source of the adventurer’s fate: Three health potions and a restore stamina potion. Perhaps this poor fool had locked the chest to protect his potions, but when he needed them most he was unable to find the key. Imbecile. Still, I will make use of these potions. I will also make use of his gear. Most of it was damaged by rust but it will still fetch a pretty penny.

I moved on to explore the rest of this cavern. A rat was chewing on a well-dressed goblin. Well-dressed for a goblin anyway, it was wearing more than a loin cloth. I checked the decomposing mass for anything useful. All I found was a key to the nearby door and two more lockpicks. The key turned with a little difficulty, and I found myself in another rat infested cavern.

The smell of charred fur was heavy in the air after a few fireballs, and I decided it might be best to use my axe next time. A chest in a bit of rubble yielded little more than some more healing potions and another stamina replenishing potion. Why was every chest in here filled with potions? They may come in handy soon, but it is still a waste of chest space. Chests should be filled to the brim with gold!

A passageway off of the cavern reeked of death, but I could see no other way out, so down I went. I nearly jumped out of my prison irons when I saw a zombie shuffling towards me! I took a swing at its face with my axe, and missed completely! The zombie lunged for my shoulders, and I fell onto the ground with the rotting lump of flesh trying to gnaw through my skin. I quickly fired off my freezing touch, and the hulk’s mouth froze completely shut. I took my one opportunity and managed to get my bare hands up and break the soft, worm infested skull of the zombie. It now fell lifeless off of me, but I was now covered in horrible bile, rotting flesh, and worms that had been feasting on the zombie’s brains. Pleasant, I know. I stripped off the shirt I had been wearing and vomited all over it. I gave a shudder and sent a healing spell through the place where my arm had been bitten.

My daily life in the prison had not been one to help my physical condition, and I was exhausted now. I dragged myself back up to my friend the skeleton and collapsed. I slipped into a deep sleep, and awoke to a small mouse licking my right foot. In any other place and time, I would have simply kicked the mouse away. However, I was still terrified from my encounter with the zombie, and I brought a rock down on the mouse. It managed to get away with only a squashed tail, and I once again slipped into an uneasy slumber.

I pulled on the leather armor I had found on the skeleton and found it to be very well fitting. It was cumbersome, but I did not want to face whatever else lurked in this place unprotected. It was hard to judge time in this place, but judging by refreshment, I slept for less then 20 minutes.

I decided that I should keep moving, and proceeded past the corridor filled with the stench of death and vomit. I came upon a room littered with bones and somewhat fresh food. And rats. Always rats. I gave up on my decision to only use my axe, and fried them from a safe distance. I was glad to have the little knowledge I had about Destruction magic.

Here I sit now, sorting through this pile of bones and rusty armor, trying to find something of use. I have found a bit of cheese which appears safe, as well as a tomato and some lettuce. After the memory of the prison slop returned to me, I have decided that slightly limp lettuce and bruised tomato isn’t so bad. After this short lunch (Dinner? Breakfast? What time is it?), I will continue on my way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Applauds* Well done! Very Well done! Your in my favourites now!

April 14, 2006 6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, my friend, appear to be up there with Tim's Morrowind journal and Frost's adventures. BTW, what race are you?


April 14, 2006 1:43 PM  

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