Friday, April 14, 2006

A Quick Side Note

I'd like to thank anyone who is reading this journal, but I might have some bad news.

School is going to be a lot tougher next week so my posts might be scarcer. Also, I like to write until I get to a convenient point for Will to pull out his journal, so the entries might be shorter or longer, depending on where he is at the time. I'm going to try to post as often as I can, but school comes first so we'll see. Thanks again for reading!

Oh and if you have any suggestions or anything at all, I'd be glad to hear them. I'd especially like tips about how to better use this blog site. I'm just starting out as a writer, and I have no idea how to really work this blog so help would be accepted and appreciated.

Thanks and there IS a new entry below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. School comes first. But please continue this as best you can. I really am enjoying it.

April 14, 2006 11:14 PM  

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